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You are here: knowtruth >> origins >> mankind >> 15 February 2025
A Quick Answer to Evolution
Page 4: Life Is Too Complex

Life is far too complex to be explained as an accident. In a presentation debating Creationism vs. Evolution, Jason D. Browning proposed the following challenge. Design a robot that:

  • Is less than ¼ inch tall
  • Can carry heavy loads
  • Can dig large holes
  • Can cross any terrain
  • Can find its own energy sources
  • Can make other robots like itself

Unquestionably, if you could do this, your skill would be truly amazing. People would marvel. Where did you get the technology? How did you develop such an advanced design? The interesting thing is that this has already been done. We call it an ant. What's more amazing is that we step on them and spray them with poison because they are a trivial nuisance. Compared to man they are simple and insignificant. Man is complex beyond our imagination. How could we ever believe that such fabulous design is not the work of an intelligent and powerful designer? Life is too complex to be an accident. See the Argument by Design for more information.

It Violates the Laws of Physics

As noted in the Argument By Creation, Darwinism contradicts several observed laws of science. Among them are the law of biogenesis, the principles of entropy, and the first and second laws of thermodynamics. Unless one can propose evidence worthy of ignoring such universal axioms, there is every reason to categorically dismiss the claims of evolution.

 Article info: 
By: Bill Smith
This article is adapted from Bill's book Firmly Rooted. Click here to learn how to get a copy.

 This Series: 
1 The Fossil Record
2 Setting It Straight
3 What Do the Experts Say?
4 Life Is Too Complex

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