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The Mark Study: Teacher's Edition

The Mark Study is an evangelistic Bible study centered around the book of Mark. It consists of 3 parts:

  1. Jesus Can Help -- emphasizing Jesus' deity, power and authority as the Son of God.
  2. Jesus Can Care -- emphasizing Jesus' compassion, care and understanding as the Son of Man.
  3. Jesus Can Save -- emphasizing Jesus' role and sacrifice in making it possible for man to be saved from sin and reunited with God. This part includes an effective approach to teaching about the plan of salvation in terms of both God's actions and man's response.

This collection of files is put together to help you as the teacher, the one leading the Bible study, presumably with a friend or family member who is not yet saved. Note that there is a version of the Mark Study available on this website in the study online section, which is the "student's version." The difference is that this teacher's edition includes notes for the teacher on how to use it and other helpful additions and insights. Whereas the student's version is a series of web pages designed for the student to guide himself or herself through, this teacher's edition is downloadable so that you can reuse it, print it and have it on your own computer.

The files in this version are designed to be flexible enough to be used in a couple ways:

  • As a study over email or regular correspondence, where you send the study to your friend, who goes through it and reads and answers the questions, and returns it to you by email or postal mail.
  • As a teaching guide for in-person studies, where you are actually sitting down together in person with the individual or group you are studying with.

These files are in the Rich Text Format (.rtf), which should make them useable on most computers. See the README.rtf file included in the download for more information on this, and on using the study in general.


 Article info: 
By: Robert Hindman
This study was originally arranged by Rex Boyles, with adaptations by Kris Smith and Rob Hindman.
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