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Can We Really Know Truth?
Page 1: Moral Relativism

In this age of "I'm ok, you're ok" thinking we are often called upon to answer questions about truth. What is truth? Does real truth exist? Isn't truth relative? Can we really know truth? Unfortunately, this attitude of subjectivism has caused a wave of humanity without morals and ethical standards, seriously deteriorating the character of our modern society.

While this concept of relativism is not new it has been rapidly propagated in the twentieth century, much through liberal media. Ernest Hemingway stated the point of view quite simply, "What is moral is what you feel good after; what is immoral is what you feel bad after." Is that all there is to relativism? In short, yes. Moral relativism is nothing more than letting each individual determine what is true or not true, what is right or wrong, for them.

The most obvious benefit, and probably the reason moral relativism has spread so quickly in our modern society, is that it eradicates responsibility. Relativism erases sin. Think about it. If I can decide that what I do is right, and what I don't do is wrong, then I have created my own mechanism for calling my own morality good, and what is not my morality sin. I have erased sin in my life by changing the rules.

Last week I was watching a football game that illustrated this point. It was a very close game in which, near the end of the game, the team attempting to catch up executed a great pass play, gaining 45 yards on a single pass and scoring a touchdown. Unfortunately the play was called back because the receiver had stepped out of bounds on his way down the field. Now, what if the receiver was allowed to change the location of the lines? Or what if he could change the rules so that he was allowed to step out of bounds and still score a touchdown?

Football games are played by an absolute set of rules, and so is life. Interpreting the rules differently doesn't allow an out of bounds player to score, and creating our own morality doesn't change what is right and wrong. Truth is true regardless of what we choose to call it.

The Limit of Relativism -->

 Article info: 
By: Bill Smith
This article is adapted from Bill's book Firmly Rooted. Click here to learn how to get a copy.

 This Series: 
1 Moral Relativism
2 The Limit of Relativism
3 Accepting the Truth

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