In Part 1 of this series, we read about Jesus' miracles and
wonders, his sheer power, and from that we drew the important point that
Jesus can help. He can help us, with all that
power. But as we pointed out, what good is that if he doesn't
want to help us? That's why we studied in Part 2 about Jesus'
love, compassion and concern for other people, for all mankind. His love
for people both then and now drove him to set aside his own needs and good and
accomplish instead what He needed to accomplish for the good of
others. We saw that Jesus understands and loves us, that
Jesus can care.
But that's still not the end of it.
Even if he has the power to help us and he has the desire to care for us, we
need to see if he can save us from our biggest problem... We need to see that
Jesus can save.
PART 3: Jesus Can Save
Let's start in the book of Mark once again at Mark 10:45. Remember in our last study: Why did Jesus die? Because he cares for us!
Why, according to Mark 10:45, did Jesus give his life?
What does ransom mean?
- Used in kidnapping.
- Price paid to get someone back home.
Why did we need to be brought back home? What happened to us?
- When God created man, He created man to be with Him: no sin, and in fellowship with God.

- In Genesis chapters 2 and 3, there is the important story of how Satan lied to the first humans, creating a temptation for them. They had to choose whether to follow the temptation or obey what God
said. They chose to disobey God, and this was the first sin.

Sin has consequences. Adam and Eve
received the consequences of their sin: they were cast out of the garden of Eden
and never again had that original, perfect life the way God designed it.
They felt ashamed or guilty. Adam blamed someone else -- anger. They were
afraid -- so they tried to hide
themselves from God. This was not the way God made us -- but they made the
choice to sin. God did not make us to feel that way... Sin makes us feel
that way!