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The Mark Study
Betrayed and Used

We have just seen a simple point about Jesus -- that he cares more for people than he does for himself. This point is about to get even more meaningful as we read on... Read Mark 14:1.

What did these people want to do to Jesus?

Has anyone ever hated you? Wanted something bad to happen to you? How does that feel -- depressing, scary? Jesus understands how it feels -- they wanted to kill him!

Jump down and read verses 10 and 11. What about when a friend turns on you?

How does that feel? Jesus understands and cares!

Do you think anyone feels like that today?

Verses 32-34. Jesus going to the Garden of Gethsemane...

How does he feel?

He feels sad enough to die! Have you ever felt that sad, that you could just die? Do you think anyone is depressed today? Anyone just feel like not going on with life? Jesus understands how that feels and he cares! He was sad enough to die.

Verses 37-38. Disciples fall asleep instead of keeping watch...

Have you ever needed for someone to be there for you and they weren't? That can make you feel unimportant, rejected, lonely, worthless.

What do we know now? Jesus understands!

Verse 43-45. Judas betrays Jesus...

Judas was "one of the twelve"... one of Jesus' friends! He gave Jesus a kiss on the cheek to betray Him...

Have you ever had someone use you just to get their way? Has anyone ever used you to make someone else jealous, or to take advantage of you?

There is good news... Jesus cares!

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